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Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Incas and QR Codes

The Incas and QR Codes
QR Code
QR Code
Inca boss, Viracocha
Inca boss, Viracocha
Remember that we told you about this first!

There is now definite proof that the Incas invented QR codes. 

The Incas never had a conventional written language which led many Archaeologist types to conclude that the Incas were thick. 

My own research, that of re-reading Herge's Tintin books again and again, show that Viracocha, an Inca God-type, created QR codes after himself! (There is more)

Anna and QR Code at Sacsayhuman, Peru.
Anna and QR Code at Sacsayhuman, Peru.

My recent work at Sacsayhuman, Peru and in Tiwanaku, Bolivia, with my lovely assistant Anna, shows irrefutable proof that the Incas were using QR Codes. 

Modern QR Codes
Inca QR Codes
Pre-Inca QR codes
Anna (circled in red)

Profesor Acahuana Tupac de la Universidad del Alto dijo "Si no por Senor Gyan nunca habríamos descubierto esto para nosotros mismos. Le ofrecemos un vaso de Pisco"

(Translation: Professor Acahuana Tupac of the University of El Alto said "If not for Senor Gyan we would never have found this out for ourselves. We offer him a glass of Pisco")

Meanwhile: The Origins of the "Ten Little Incas" Song.......Coming Soon

Copyright: The idiotic writing and pics (except the drawing by Herge) Gyan Fernando, 2012

Further academic papers:

My other discoveries in the field of Archaeology: Getambe Jones and The Lost Railway Halt

1 comment:

  1. Interested in your article....
